Friday, June 30, 2006

Bromley and Chislehurst Result

NEILL, Robert James MacGillivray: Conservative 11,621
ABBOTTS, Benjamin Peter: Liberal Democrat 10,988
FARAGE, Nigel Paul: UK Independence Party 2,347
REEVES, Rachel Jane: Labour Party 1,925
GARRETT, Ann Christine: Green Party 811
WINNETT, Paul: National Front 476
HEMMING - CLARKE, John: Independent 442
UNCLES, Steven: English Democrats 212
CARTWRIGHT, John Sydney: Monster Raving Loony Party 132
HADZIANNIS, Nicholas Alexandros: Independent 65
BELSEY, Anne Emily Jane: Money Reform Party 33

Conservative Hold - Majority 633

Blaenau Gwent (assembly)

LAW, Patricia: Independent 13,785
HOPKINS, John Jones: Blaenau Gwent Labour Party 9,321
BARD, Stephen Richard: Liberal Democrats 2,054
PRICE, Norman John: Plaid Cymru 1,109
BURNS, Jonathan: Conservative Party 816
MATTHEWS, John: Green Party 302

Independent Majority 4,464

Blaenau Gwent (Wesminster)

DAVIES, David Clifford: Independent 12,543
SMITH, Owen: Blaenau Gwent Labour Party 10,059
LEWIS, Steffan: Plaid Cymru 1,755
KITCHER, Amy Elizabeth: Liberal Democrats 1,477
WILLIAMS, Margrit Anna: Conservative 1,013
HOPE, Alan Hope: Monster Raving Loony Party 318

Independent Majority 2,485

Re-Count in Bromley

BBC Radio 5 live...

Looks like just 600 votes between Conservative and Lib Dems...

Count update


Andrew Neil has just said that it looks like the Independents will win the two seats in Blaenau Gwent.

News 24: Has just said that all the other candidates are saying it looks like a double for the Independents.

The count in Blaenau is going well and could be in by 1.00am (was forcast for 3.00am)

Blaenau Gwent Turnout:

Parliamentary seat: 50.5%
Assembly seat: 49.6%

Bromley Turnout: 40.5%

Sky News say...

Conservative 48%
Lib Dems 38%
UKIP 3rd
Labour 4th (will lose deposit)

BBC Radio 5 live..

Some talk from the count that the Lib Dems could win Bromley!

Labour 'could face double defeat'

With counting well underway in the Blaenau Gwent double by-election, reports suggest Labour could be heading for defeat in both seats.
BBC correspondents, quoting sources in opposition parties, say sampling indicates independents could return both the Welsh Assembly Member and MP.

Although the results were not initially expected until about 0300 BST, they could now be a couple of hours earlier.

The by-elections follow the death of independent AM and MP Peter Law.

There was a high turnout of 50.5% for the parliamentary ballot and 49.6% for the assembly vote.

At the last assembly election in 2003, turnout was 37.4%, which was slightly lower than the all-Wales figure of 38.2%.

It is an unprecedented situation in Wales, with two by-elections in the same constituency at the same time.

The first ballot boxes arrived at Ebbw Vale Leisure Centre shortly after polls shut at 2200 BST.

Independent parliamentary candidate Dai Davies said the independents had worked very hard and given the other parties something to think about.

Independent assembly candidate Trish Law said canvassing had been very positive, but she would not take anything for granted.

"I'm very pleased with my own way of doing this campaign and the New Labour party has had to work very hard for this seat," said Mrs Law.

The turnout in the seat in last year's general election was 66.1%, above the Welsh average of 62.4%.

This is only the second by-election since the assembly was founded in 1999. That was in Swansea East in September 2001, when Val Lloyd held the seat for Labour on a low turnout of 22.6%.

The last parliamentary by-election in Wales was for Ogmore in February 2002, when Huw Irranca-Davies held the seat for Labour on a turnout of just over 35%.


Bromley and Chislehurst By-election

The full list of candidates contesting the Bromley and Chislehurst seat in the by-election on Thursday 29 June is:

ABBOTTS, Benjamin Peter: Liberal Democrat
BELSEY, Anne Emily Jane: Money Reform Party
CARTWRIGHT, John Sydney: Official Monster Raving Loony Party
FARAGE, Nigel Paul: UK Independence Party
GARRETT, Ann Christine: Green Party
HADZIANNIS, Nicholas Alexandros: Independent
HEMMING - CLARKE, John Stanley Charles David: Independent
NEILL, Robert James MacGillivray: The Conservative Party Candidate
REEVES, Rachel Jane: The Labour Party Candidate
UNCLES, Steven: English Democrats - Putting England First
WINNETT, Paul: National Front Britain for The British

Bromley Council

Blaenau Gwent By-elections candidates

Westminster candidates

DAVIES, David Clifford: Independent
HOPE, Alan Hope: Official Monster Raving Loony Party
KITCHER, Amy Elizabeth: Blaenau Gwent Liberal Democrats
LEWIS, Steffan: Plaid Cymru The Party of Wales
SMITH, Owen: Blaenau Gwent Labour Party
WILLIAMS, Margrit Anna: Welsh Conservative Party

Assembly candidates

BARD, Stephen Richard: Blaenau Gwent Liberal Democrats
BURNS, Jonathan: Welsh Conservative Party
HOPKINS, John Jones: Blaenau Gwent Labour Party
LAW, Patricia: Independent
MATTHEWS, John: Green Party
PRICE, Norman John: Plaid Cymru The Party of Wales

Blaenau Gwent Council

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Count News

BBC News 24:

Labour look like being pushed into fourth place in Bromley.

Trish Law to win Assembly seat in Blaenau Gwent.

Westminster seat looks too close to call.

Count under way in by-elections

Counting is under way in two Westminster by-elections, with results expected in the early hours.
Voters in the South Wales seat of Blaenau Gwent are choosing a successor to the late independent MP Peter Law.

The winner in Bromley and Chislehurst will replace Tory MP Eric Forth, who died after suffering from cancer.

Bromley is the first big by-election test for David Cameron. Tony Blair and Sir Menzies Campbell will both hope the results help boost their positions.

Mr Law produced one of the big upsets of the 2005 General Election when he overturned Labour's 19,000 majority.

He had left the party in protest at the introduction of a woman-only shortlist. He was diagnosed with a tumour during his election campaign and died in April.

Mr Law's agent, Dai Davies, is an independent candidate in the seat at Thursday's by-election, while his widow, Trish Law, is a candidate in a separate election to replace him as the Welsh Assembly member for the constituency.

The result will be carefully watched to see whether Mr Law's success in 2005 can be repeated. Its uniqueness makes it difficult for any result to be used as a basis for national political implications.

BBC News

Blair threatened with early exit

TODAY'S bitterly fought double by-election in Blaenau Gwent could hasten the departure of Tony Blair from Downing Street, it was claimed last night.

First Minister Rhodri Morgan is also nervously awaiting the results, unsure whether he will win back the seat that would restore his effective majority at Cardiff Bay.

It already seems clear that the once rock-solid Labour seat will not revert to the levels of monolithic support the party once took for granted. Despite the death of Peter Law and Welsh Secretary Peter Hain's apology for the imposition of an all-women shortlist on the Blaenau Gwent party, many who once voted Labour unthinkingly are saying they will never do so again.

Lord Rennard, the Liberal Democrats' chief executive and by-election guru, said he thought that today could prove a measure of Labour's popularity, or lack of.

"I think these by-elections, coupled with one that is taking place in the outer London suburban seat of Bromley and Chislehurst will show the extent to which people are disillusioned with the Labour Government.

"Whatever the results may turn out to be, and even if Labour narrowly retains the parliamentary seat at Blaenau Gwent, which is by no means certain, the fact that it will have squeaked home in the seat once held by Nye Bevan will be a devastating blow. It will show that not only Tony Blair, but the Labour Party generally, has reached a critical turning point.

"The result will be a more devastating blow to Labour than the one it received last year when Peter Law was elected. There you had a situation where a politician who had built up support over many years took votes with him when he left the party he had belonged to.

"Trish Law is his widow, so you would expect a certain amount of that support to transfer to her, but Dai Davies is someone who hasn't stood for Parliament before.

"I don't think the loss of support for Labour is confined to Blaenau Gwent. In Bromley they were second at last year's General Election, but they will be third or worse this time."

Expectations that there would be a swing towards Labour as the Blaenau Gwent campaign progressed have not, it seems, been met. An opinion poll conducted by NOP for ITV Wales in late May put Labour parliamentary candidate Owen Smith 12% ahead of Mr Law's former agent Dai Davies, who is standing as an independent.

Mr Law's widow Trish, who hopes to win her husband's seat in the National Assembly, was 3% ahead of John Hopkins, the leader of Blaenau Gwent Council. Dr Denis Balsom, the distinguished political analyst who edits the authoritative reference work The Wales Yearbook, said at the time of the poll that he expected support to drift back to Labour during the campaign.

He said, "It seemed to me that the weaknesses of Trish Law would be exposed over the course of the campaign, and that the natural sympathy that extended towards her would not translate into as many votes the longer the campaign went on.

"I haven't spent any time in the constituency since the poll, but it seems to me that John Hopkins has not had a good campaign. Some of the local issues Labour has been highlighting, like vandalism and anti-social behaviour, reflect to a certain extent on the council he leads, and he has had to take some of the flak for that."

So far in the parliamentary contest, Dr Balsom still believes Owen Smith is likely to win.

"Everything I have seen from the debates and the rest of it leads me to believe that it has to be Owen Smith. Dai Davies obviously has a good local following, but on a rational basis I would have thought Owen Smith would win more support.

"Labour has been able to argue that an independent MP would have no influence with the Government, while Owen Smith would have good access to Ministers. He obviously has connections, having previously worked as a special adviser to Paul Murphy, the former Welsh and Northern Ireland Secretary."

Western Mail

Loony Reports From Bromley

I was in Bromley High Street leafleting again today, and I:

(a) shook hands with Charles Kennedy
this was not as exciting as shaking hands with Prince William, which I did 2 years ago

(b) ran out of leaflets
I only had about 600 to begin with

(c) visited UKIP HQ to let them have one of my positions for observers at the count
one of my own people can't come

(d) watched the second batch of postal votes being opened
The first batch was c.4,500 votes yesterday, which I did not attend.
The second batch was c.400 today, which I did.
Obviously I am not allowed to say what I saw in terms of how people were voting, so I won't.

(e) got back home and discovered that I was on TV twice (in the background) on the BBC London local news at 6:30pm. I just *happened* to be in the background when Charles Kennedy was doing his walkabout, and I just *happened* to be visiting UKIP at the same time that a TV crew was interviewing Roger Knapman and Nigel Farage.

Is UKIP damaging the English Democrats'

UKIP held its 'big meeting' in Bromley last night, in the small school hall (used for assembly, school dinners and gym lessons) at St Georges Church of England Primary School in Bickley. Fearful that the local residents of Bickley have no significant interest in the the 'one issue' party UKIP's message, the small hall was 'packed' with 80 UKIP members who had driven in from various parts of London, Kent, Essex and Surrey to ensure that the hall looked full.

In the event, only 5 local residents were interested enough to bother turning up to hear what UKIP's candidate, Nigel Farage had to say.

UKIP seems terrified that the English Democrats will beat Mr Farage, its Number One man, despite the many thousands of pounds they have spent on campaigning in the Bromley & Chislehurst by-election. Whist canvassing in Bromley over the weekend (24th/25th June), the English Democrats team were approached by one of the many UKIP teams, which expressed concern about the English Democrats standing a candidate thereby "damaging" the chances of UKIP's candidate.

Interestingly, canvassing by English Democrats has revealed that only 1 in 50 households are committing to vote UKIP on Polling Day - a figure similar to that for English Democrats voters.

In a desperate attempt to attract English nationalist votes, UKIP - a Unionist party opposed to a separate English Parliament - has augmented its campaign by issuing another A5 size leaflet, on which one side is dedicated to the English Cross of St George flag in colour.

Ironically, despite the millions of pounds of annual income enjoyed by UKIP, they chose the same modest venue for their public meeting, (St Georges, Church of England School) which the English Democrats used two weeks ago to launch their campaign.

English Democrats

Neill backs Cameron on Human Rights Act

Bob Neill has today backed David Cameron over his pledge to abolish the Human Rights Act. Cameron, who recently visited the area to campaign ahead of the by-election on the 29th June, today said that the Human Rights Act needed replacing as it has hampered the fight against crime and caused extra difficulties in the vital fight against terrorism.

Bob Neill said: "Crime is the number one concern for many people in this area and it has been the most common issue brought up in my mailbag during the time I've represented Bromley on the London Assembly.

"Having more police in the area is the first step in the fight against crime but it needs to go beyond that. Due to Tony Blair's human rights legislation, at the moment the whole system is balanced in favour of the criminal at the expense of ordinary law-abiding people.

"I'm delighted that David Cameron is addressing this whole issue in a way that the other parties have refused to. He has demonstrated today that he is the only leader that is prepared to take the action that is needed to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour."

Bob 4 Bromley

Spirit of community binds region

TOMORROW the people of Blaenau Gwent will choose a new MP and a new AM after what must surely be one of the most extraordinary by-election campaigns ever seen in Wales.

Peter Law's stunning victory in last year's general election was not simply a personal triumph for a hugely popular politician who had represented the area at council and National Assembly level for more than 30 years. It signified a major seismic fracture in Labour's bedrock support in arguably its most totemic seat in Britain.

Most compellingly, it had been represented by NHS founder Aneurin Bevan, and subsequently by another hero of the left, Michael Foot. Its most recent MP, Llew Smith, was unremittingly Old Labour and held Tony Blair in barely concealed contempt.

With this background, the clash that occurred over the imposition of an all-women shortlist on the local party can be seen as almost incidental to the bigger ideological conflict that has simmered between Blair and his many detractors within the Labour Party not just in Blaenau Gwent for years.

Nevertheless, its political history and its persisting economic problems mark the constituency out as somewhere quite distinctive. Although its towns and villages have their own more local loyalties too, there is an abiding sense of community about Blaenau Gwent that outsiders are instantly aware of, even if they don't fully understand it. The character of the place, together with the major preoccupation of those who live there, was summed up by Peter Law in the maiden speech he delivered in the House of Commons in June last year: "Obviously it is a working class area and an industrial constituency - mining and steel. Sadly, the mines disappeared in the 1980s, due to Conservative Governments who smashed up part of our community, as many people, particularly in South Wales, will remember; but they did not smash our community spirit, which still exists. The warmth of that spirit can be found throughout my constituency.

"The other part of the industrial equation was steel. For 200 years, the Ebbw Vale steelworks was well known. It was in a valley 30 miles from the coastal area and was so important to the community that the town was built around it. It was a tragic day for us when on July 5, 2002, the Corus steel company - executioners and axe men, as I described them - closed that steelworks in our constituency.

"It had a devastating effect on us. The last 500 jobs - quality jobs - at the steelworks were taken away and immediately the community plummeted into another era of handouts and soup kitchens. Five hundred families lost their quality of life with the loss of those jobs and the local economy was devastated beyond belief. Our local economy has still not recovered."

Those who saw BBC Wales' debate programme with the candidates last Sunday will have been struck by the unusually high quality of contributions from the audience, made up of local residents. While there was some political point scoring from a minority of contributors, the overwhelming impression was of a community deeply concerned about its future prospects. It is against that backdrop that tomorrow's by-elections are being fought.

As always, there is a supporting cast of extras - in this case including three of Wales' major parties. But the fault lines are clear: the real battles are between Labour's Owen Smith and the independent Dai Davies for the Westminster seat, and Labour council leader John Hopkins and Mr Law's widow Trish, also standing as an independent, for the seat in the National Assembly.

Labour's task has been to win back the trust it has lost in the constituency. The first step in its carefully honed strategy was for Peter Hain to apologise for imposing an all-women shortlist on the local party, and to allow its members total control over the selection of a new parliamentary candidate. This, it was felt, would go a long way towards removing the sense of grievance over the way Peter Law had been treated.

The party chose Mr Smith, a highly polished performer with reasonably local connections who had worked as a BBC Wales producer, as a special adviser to former Cabinet Minister Paul Murphy, and who was now employed as a top lobbyist for Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, the world's biggest drugs company.

His running mate John Hopkins, the less dynamic local council leader, had been chosen months before as the Assembly candidate. Extremely unusually for a critical pair of by-elections, Labour has largely kept its big guns away. Apart from an appearance by Gordon Brown, there have been no conspicuous ministerial visits.

Instead, "John and Owen" have been presented as crusaders on local issues of concern to the community. Rather than stressing Labour's record in government at Westminster, the Assembly and the local authority, they have concentrated on matters like anti-social behaviour, campaigning for extra police officers.

In doing so - and doubtless reflecting the concerns of many local people - their position has been partly compromised by the fact that Mr Hopkins's council could itself fund such measures, but has not done so.

Labour has vied with the Liberal Democrats for the quantity of leaflets distributed and media releases sent out. A great deal of such activity is conventionally seen as essential for any party hoping to win by-elections, and the independents' campaign has certainly been weaker in this respect. But the Liberal Democrats' chief executive Lord (Chris) Rennard has identified an extra ingredient in Blaenau Gwent - what he calls "the grapevine factor".

Unlike the other parties - including Plaid Cymru, whose Assembly candidate has absented himself from the campaign for the last week on what is described as "a family engagement" - the independents do not have a dedicated press officer. This is regarded by seasoned observers from outside the constituency as unspeakably amateurish.

Equally, Trish Law's repeated insistence that she will "do what is best for Blaenau Gwent" without necessarily specifying what that will be is seen as a "no no" in conventional campaigning terms.

Yet just as Labour's unorthodox approach is resonating with some, Mrs Law's down-to-earth admission that she is not a polished politician also has considerable appeal.

Coupled with the natural sympathy that exists for her as the widow of a much admired politician who died prematurely, it is easy to understand how the grapevine factor referred to by Lord Rennard has operated.

One of the conundrums of the campaign is the extent to which association with Mr Law will rub off on Dai Davies. Previously the union convener at the now shut steelworks, he is also a recent former secretary of Blaenau Gwent Labour Party, as well as being one of the 20 party members expelled for backing Mr Law last year.

Mr Davies acted as Mr Law's election agent and subsequently was employed as his political researcher. While quite well known in Ebbw Vale, he has not had a high profile elsewhere in the constituency. An articulate exponent of left wing principles, and undoubtedly more politically knowledgeable than Mrs Law, in other times he could have been mistaken for a Labour backbencher.

As is often the case when families fall out, there is considerable antagonism between the two main camps in these by-elections. Those who left Labour with Peter Law have not been appeased by the party's apology over the all-women shortlist, and now feel free to attack those aspects of New Labour they always found it difficult to stomach. And despite warm words about Mr Law that constitute the official party line, beneath the surface there are varying degrees of animosity towards him and his successors held by some Labour members that have on occasion become apparent. Lord Rennard, the Lib-Dems' by-election guru for the past 25 years, has also detected a polarisation on the doorstep. Perhaps significantly, he says there have been a lot of extremely negative attitudes expressed towards the Prime Minister.

"The outright hostility towards him dates from his decision to take Britain to war in Iraq and the misleading information about weapons of mass destruction. People no longer trust him, and he is now an electoral liability."

It is difficult to predict what will happen tomorrow, but perhaps we should be prepared for upsets. Peter Law did not expect to be elected to Parliament, let alone with a majority of 9,200. The only opinion poll, conducted early in the campaign, put Owen Smith comfortably ahead in the race to become MP and Trish Law narrowly ahead of John Hopkins.

The conventional wisdom is that Labour's vastly superior resources will see it home and dry in both seats. But Lord Rennard urges caution: "Labour may be operating from four offices in the constituency and it may have put out some glossy leaflets with messages from soap stars and Sudoku puzzles. But that doesn't necessarily guarantee success."

The results of the by-elections will have profound consequences. Defeat for Labour in the parliamentary seat would be a hammer-blow - greater than the one suffered last year. With the all-women shortlist issue put to bed, losing to Dai Davies would indicate a far more deep-seated malaise. It could accelerate Tony Blair's departure from Downing Street.

If John Hopkins wins the Assembly seat, Rhodri Morgan would get his effective majority back in Cardiff Bay. In the wake of embarrassing defeats like the recent one over calls for a public inquiry into the failures of the ambulance service, this would be a welcome fillip to Mr Morgan's hopes of winning next year's Assembly election with an overall majority. The arrival of Trish Law in the Senedd would, of course, confirm Labour's minority status and make securing a majority next year all the more difficult. That, in turn, could prompt Mr Morgan's exit from the First Minister's office sooner than he would like.

Western Mail

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The mantles of Nye and Mac

The voters of Blaenau Gwent and Bromley are feeling neglected. Both Blair and Cameron could be embarrassed by Thursday's byelections.

Voters go to the polls on Thursday to fill two seats in the House of Commons and one in the National Assembly for Wales. It is hard to imagine two places with less in common. One is an affluent south-east London suburb, the other a gritty working class south Wales valley. One had a Conservative vote of 51% in 2005, the other a Conservative vote of 2%. When Bromley sent Harold Macmillan to parliament as prime minister, Blaenau Gwent (then called Ebbw Vale) elected Nye Bevan with thumping majorities. But both may have similar messages for the political parties this week.

Bromley & Chislehurst is a mixture of suburbs, some of them extremely plush. Birds of paradise can be seen among the trees in Sundridge Park, and Chislehurst Common is genuinely high-class. However, Bromley itself is a fairly standard-issue suburban town, and Bickley are the sort of place that Delboy and Rodney would have ended up if they really did become millionaires. Bromley's Conservatism, like its late MP Eric Forth, tends to be of the brash, saloon bar variety rather than Cameron-style metropolitan gentility.

Perhaps the culture clash explains why the Conservative campaign in Bromley seems to have been accident-prone and unimpressive, a dinosaur compared to a lively and cheeky Liberal Democrat effort that has produced propaganda in the style of supermarket women's magazines and local tabloid papers. However, the Conservatives start with such a massive majority, and such a hard-core Tory electorate, that it is almost impossible to see them losing - although the majority will probably disappoint their hopes at the start of the campaign. Labour's strategic objectives in Bromley are to avoid coming fourth, behind Ukip's Nigel Farage, and to save their deposit - despite coming second with a relatively respectable 22.2% in 2005. The bad national climate, the usual poor government performance in by-elections and a developing squeeze from the Lib Dems all militate against Labour retaining many votes - although they should manage to get their deposit back and are probably likely to come just ahead of Ukip.

Blaenau Gwent is a very unorthodox election. After decades of voting solidly Labour (from 1929 to 1992 the MP was either Nye Bevan or Michael Foot) it went Independent in 2005. Peter Law, the sitting Welsh assembly member, stood against the official Labour candidate because of the use of an all-women shortlist and won. This is not the first such electoral tremor in south Wales - in 1970 Merthyr Tydfil overrode the local Labour party's deselection of its octogenarian MP, and in the first assembly election in 1999 even Islwyn fell to Plaid Cymru. On most occasions, Labour recovers quickly, largely because a vote for someone like Law is not seen as being "disloyal" to Labour. Ideas of community and Labour loyalty are deeply intertwined in Blaenau Gwent, but the loyalty is to an idea of Labour as movement and cause rather than necessarily what a Labour government does.

Candidates associated with Peter Law - his widow for the assembly vacancy and his agent for the Westminster seat - are standing in the by-elections. With Labour nationally at a low ebb, and a strong local socialist culture that tends to disapprove of the government from the left, what might have been an opportunity to proclaim a rare Labour gain seems to be fading. The better chance for Labour is probably the Westminster seat, although the UK government needs it less than the Welsh assembly government - which would remain a minority administration if Mrs Law holds the seat as an independent. The prospect of a non-Labour government in Cardiff after the May 2007 election would look that bit closer if the party loses out again in Blaenau Gwent.

These two constituencies, on the face of it Conservative and Labour heartland territory, show that in the right circumstances more or less any constituency is now capable of producing at least a warning, if not a shock result, for their natural party in a by-election. Perhaps it is disillusion and volatility. Perhaps, in this increasingly centrist, fuzzy new political world, the voices of the workers' social clubs of Blaenau Gwent and the saloon bars of Bromley alike are feeling a bit neglected.

Guardian Unlimited blogs

Jon Burns

Cllr Jon Burns

Welsh Assembly Candidate for Blaenau Gwent

Jon was born in Manchester in 1981 and moved with his family to Chichester in 1990. He was educated at Chichester High School for Boys and then Brunel University in West London. He first worked for The Daily Telegraph in Canary Wharf, HM Inspectorate of Prisons in the Home Office, and later for a public affairs consultancy in Westminster.

Jon moved to Cardiff in 2003 to work for the Welsh Conservatives Health Spokesman in the National Assembly. He was elected as one of the youngest County Councillors in Cardiff in 2004 on a dramatic swing from Labour to the Conservatives. He serves on the Governing body of two local schools and is a member of the South Wales Fire Authority.

Following the death of Independent AM and MP Peter Law, Jon was selected by the Conservative Party to fight the South Wales Valleys seat of Blaenau Gwent.

In his spare time, Jon is a keen yachtsman and regularly sails with family and friends around the Solent, the English Channel and the Northern Coast of France.

Jon says, "In recent months the people of Blaenau Gwent have been exposed to everything that is wrong with the Labour Party both locally and nationally.

"Fighting this campaign in the birthplace of the National Health Service gives the Conservative Party an opportunity to expose Labour's nine years of failure and broken promises."

Margrit Williams

Margrit Williams
Parliamentary Candidate for Blaenau Gwent

Margrit's Experience

Margrit contested Blaenau Gwent for the Conservatives in 1997. In 2001 she was involved in the Parliamentary Campaign in Blaenau Gwent again as her husband was the Conservative Candidate.

She was a councillor in Wandsworth from 1990 - 1994, holding the posts of Vice-Chairman Policy and Finance Committee and Deputy Chairman Technical Services Committee; European Parliamentary Candidate for Wales in 2004. She has held various voluntary posts within the Conservative Party, including ward and association treasurer.

About Margrit

Margrit was born in 1964. She was educated at Southend High School for Girls and Queens School, Rheindahlen, a British Forces School in Germany. She has a degree in Economics and passed the exams to become a Member of the Society of Financial Planners (MSFA). She is married to Huw, with two children aged 8 and 5; her father-in-law came from Tredegar.

In her spare time she enjoys swimming, playing hockey, watching occasional games of rugby and travelling.

She currently works as Researcher and Caseworker for Sir Malcolm Rifkind MP, former Foreign Secretary. She also assisted him in his work as Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and in preparing his Private Members Bill on the subject of saving. Previous occupations include Marketing Director, Economist Group; Investment Strategist, Jardine Fleming; Senior Marketing Manager, American Express; Financial Adviser, Ernst and Young Private Clients.

Cameron visits Blaenau Gwent

David Cameron entered the ‘lion’s den’ to become the first Conservative Party Leader to visit the South Wales Valleys since the 1970s.

Mr Cameron announced that there are no “no-go areas” for the Conservative Party in Britain before taking to the streets to listen to views of local people and promoting the positive Conservative message to Blaenau Gwent in support of by-election candidates, Jon Burns and Margrit Williams.

The high media interest in Mr Cameron’s visit was only surpassed by the warm reception from local residents and shoppers in the Ebbw Vale Market Place, in what was, until last year, one of the safest Labour seats in the country. At the 2005 General Election, Independent Candidate, Peter Law, spectacularly took the seat from New Labour.

Margrit Williams, Conservative Parliamentary candidate, stated: “It is fantastic to see a Conservative Party Leader listening to people from a variety of different backgrounds. I don’t think Tony Blair would have been received with such enthusiasm from the people of Blaenau Gwent.”

Jon Burns, Conservative Welsh Assembly candidate, added: “David Cameron really is proving that the Conservative Party is campaigning in all parts of Britain and we have a strong, positive message to take to the voters in Blaenau Gwent.”

Polling for the Parliamentary and Welsh Assembly seats in Blaenau Gwent will take place on Thursday 29 June.

Blaenau Conservatives

The vanishing Labour candidate

The strange case of the vanishing Labour candidate...

Rainwater gurgles down broken gutters and all I can hear is a squelch-squelch of wet soles plodding along a dog-messed pavement. Dai Davies and Trish Law, however, are brimming with laughter.

If they were a New Labour project you'd call this 47-year old ex-electrician and his widowed colleague a Beacon of Hope, the embodiment of Things Can Only Get Better and all that. Except Dai and Trish are not New Labour now. Oh no. Definitely not.

"Been through four pairs of shoes during this campaign, I have, and three razors, and now I'm on my fifth suit," cries stubble-chinned Dai, two shoes sploshing like a penguin's flippers as he flaps from door to door, shoving People's Voice leaflets through letter boxes. "Get the suits for £37 from the supermarket. Very good, too, so long as you don't stand too close to the sun in them!"

There is no chance of sun today. We are on a rain-swept, wind-ravaged hillside near the Sirhowy Valley and the clouds have closed in for one of their South Wales huddles. The council estate houses seem to crouch into one another for shelter against the filthy weather. Then Trish spots a voter.

"Mornin"! shouts Dai (the voter is elderly, with imperfect hearing). "All right?" And the old man finds his hand being pumped and someone knows someone else's name and it's all suddenly more like a family gathering.

This certainly doesn't feel like what it is: the frontline of a remarkable and ill-tempered by-election which has seen a heartlands rebellion against New Labour.

Welcome to Blaenau Gwent, once one of Labour's safest, now too close to call. When the people go to the polls on Thursday they will have a chance to tell Tony Blair what they think of him and his elite.

It is hard to overstate Blaenau Gwent's Labour heritage. Nye Bevan and Michael Foot were Labour MPs in this melancholy, poverty-stricken area. Merthyr Tydfil, crucible of the Labour Party a century ago, is just a few sodden valleys to the west.

At the 2001 election Labour's Llew Smith, a bookish Lefty, had a majority of 19,313. Then he announced he didn't want to stand again and the Blairites imposed an all-female shortlist on the local party. As candidate, they jemmied in one of Cherie Blair's London friends, Maggie Jones.

Peter Law, a flamboyant local councillor who had been furiously loyal to Labour for decades, was so angry that he stood as an Independent — and won. It was the most striking result of the 2005 election. Mr Law not only overturned a majority of almost 20,000 but ended the night with a 9,121 majority of his own.

Maggie Jones left Wales a flattened, rejected crony. She will be sworn in to the House of Lords in a few days' time.

Peter Law did not live long to enjoy his success. His death from a brain tumour has given Labour a chance to win back this seat it so long took for granted.

To do that, however, the party of Blair must see off the spirited challenge of Dai Davies, who is standing for the Westminster seat, and mother-of-five Mrs Trish Law, who is standing for her late husband's seat in the Welsh Assembly.

They and their People's Voice outfit are tiny and amateurish compared to Labour's mighty campaigning machine which has been 'throwing everything' at the seat, but they quite like being underdogs.

Fifty-something Mrs Law has not found the election easy. "It's been an emotional time," she says, her eyes welling. "We were married for 30 years. Peter's last words to me were 'Be positive', so that's what I'm trying to remain. The people are bigger than the party. That is what Labour forgot."

Some elements of campaigning seem alien to her. She is wearing elegant black trousers and smart shoes which are getting wrecked. But many people recognise her. Peter Law was a big, big man in this area. His gentle-mannered widow has their respect.

Mr Davies, who lost his electrician's job at the local steel plant a couple of years ago (he had joined Labour as a 16-year old), admits he hasn't any job to go to if he loses on Thursday. "I suppose I'll still be walking the streets but picking up litter or something like that instead of electioneering," he says.

He has used all his savings to fight the campaign and is standing on a manifesto of traditional Labour socialism and trying to get Blaenau Gwent its overdue share of European poverty-relief funds.

The hearty activists at his HQ in Ebbw Vale include some of the 21 Labour members who — in an act of cack-handed vindictiveness — were thrown out of the party last year for opposing Maggie Jones.

Some of these people worked hard for Labour for 40 years. Quitting their old party has been almost like a divorce. Former mayor Moira Wilcox says it has been the main topic of conversation over her kitchen table for months. The town's serving mayor, John Rogers, joined the People's Voice campaign last week.

Maggie Jones's name remains a stinkeroo. In the village of Sofrydd, ex-water engineer Nick Jones, 56, says that the imposition of Lady Jones, as she will soon become, was 'disgusting, disgraceful. The Labour leadership think we live in wigwams down here," he says. "They had this seat for generations and look at the place. They ignored it."

Cyril Watts, 83, who did 44 years as a coal miner, explains that he could not bring himself to vote again for Labour. "It's not the party I once supported." Labour seems aware of its image problem. There is talk that Tony Blair was asked to stay away. Labour posters do not say 'New Labour' but 'Blaenau Gwent Labour'.

Gordon Brown swung by last week and the septuagenarian Labour MP Dennis Skinner, the very opposite of a Blairite, put in a brief appearance. Yesterday Owen Smith, New Labour's candidate, came out in opposition to the Trident nuclear deterrent which Gordon Brown has just endorsed.

I would have liked to ask ex-spin doctor and BBC producer Smith about that surprising decision. Indeed, there are many things I would have liked to ask him.

Is it true his salary from pharmaceuticals company Pfizer is £200,000 a year (a vast amount by Blaenau Gwent standards). What does he make of his nickname 'Oily' Smith? Why has Labour been circulating posters aggressively attacking the recently widowed Mrs Law?

It would also have been good to have seen him on the campaign trail, to check what he was telling people and see how electors responded. There is a duty on politicians, surely, to present themselves openly at election time.

Have Labour campaigners really — in a reference to the late and hugely popular Mr Law — been telling electors not to bother voting 'for a dead man'? I'd have liked to have ask Mr Smith.

Sadly Mr Smith would not speak to the Daily Mail. His aides would not even tell me his wheareabouts. A spokesman curtly said that he did 'not have time for national newspapers'.

The Liberal Democrats and Conservatives have sent down some of their big names. David Cameron campaigned last week and, naturally, the sun shone for Wonder Boy. William Hague came and visited a butcher's shop in Ebbw Vale. Didn't buy a thing.

And yesterday I was just retreating from a chippie in the centre of slate-coloured, puddle-drenched Abertillery, where a Vicky Pollard lookalike and her layabout boyfriend were stroking their paunches, when a familiar ginger fringe came bouncing down the street. It was the former Lib Dem leader, Charles Kennedy!

Cheerful Charlie was supporting the Liberals' candidates — but maybe also reminding us all of his existence should Sir Menzies Campbell fall under a bus.

I followed him down to a bus stop where a crowd of damp-haired passengers were awaiting the X15 bus to Newport. They seemed delighted to see him. But as he wandered off a woman asked me: "Who are those people, anyway?"

Very welcoming, the people of the Valleys, but national politics is not their forte.

Can they do it, this small but impressive band of proud, choir-singing, community-based socialists? Come Thursday night, can they repeat the amazing defeat Peter Law inflicted on the London cuckoos who dislodged him and his Welsh comrades from their Labour nest?

Part of me wants to say they'll do it — the romantic part that thrills to their sense of belief, their noble anger at the high-handed arrogance of Labour's central command, their downright decency and openness.

Yet my head says that Labour's bully-boy tactics, its flooding of this constituency with outside campaigners, its controlling disdain for scrutiny and criticism, will prove damnably hard to beat.

Dai Davies and Trish Law may struggle to win the day, but if they do fail they will at least have the satisfaction of knowing that all the honour in this campaign was theirs.

Daily Mail

Union weighs in against Trish

FEARS of a late surge of support for Trish Law has caused a union to make an extraordinary plea to its members to vote Labour in Thursday's Blaenau Gwent by-election.

Amicus has written to its members living in Blaenau Gwent specifically urging them not to vote for Mr Law's widow Trish, who is standing for the National Assembly, and his former agent Dai Davies, who is standing for Parliament.

While it is not surprising that a Labour-affiliated union like Amicus should urge its members to vote Labour, it is highly unusual to suggest they should not back particular opposition candidates.

The letter - signed by Amicus general secretary Derek Simpson and the union's regional secretary Cath Speight, a member of Labour's ruling National Executive Committee - also includes the implausible claim that, "The Welsh Assembly by-election means the difference between a Labour majority in the Assembly and probably a Tory-led coalition".

The Conservatives are the third party in the Assembly and there is no current prospect of a coalition led by the Tories or otherwise taking over from Labour. If Mrs Law wins on Thursday, there would be 29 Labour and 31 opposition AMs - the same as before Mr Law's death in April.

John Mason, who is Trish Law's election agent, said, "We were given a copy of the Amicus letter by a union member who was infuriated that her union should seek to tell her how to vote. In her case at least, the letter has backfired: she told us she had intended voting Labour, but would now be voting for the independents.

"This is a sign of Labour's desperation. If they weren't worried about the threat from Dai Davies and Trish Law, they wouldn't be sending out a letter in these terms.

"They have also completely misrepresented the true position by saying that electing independents would leave Blaenau Gwent without any influence over government policy. They are forgetting to mention that it is thanks to Peter Law that students living in Wales do not have to pay top-up tuition fees. Because of the balance of power at the Assembly, Peter was able to use his vote in the interests of the people of Blaenau Gwent and achieve results."

An Amicus spokeswoman said, "We are very proud of our link with the Labour Party, and during last year's general election campaign were the biggest union donor, putting in £3m. We believe our contribution played a significant part in Labour's victory.

"We make no apology at all for writing to our members and advising them to vote Labour. We believe that to be in their best interests.

"In Wales there is already an informal coalition between the Tories, Plaid Cymru, the Liberal Democrats and the one independent member, John Marek. The Tories have been very prominent in organising that. We believe it is in the interests of our members to have a Labour majority in the Assembly, and that is why it is vitally important that they support the Labour candidate on Thursday. Independents cannot influence government policy."

A Labour spokesman said, "We are delighted Amicus has decided to support our candidates as they are the only people who can get things done for the working people of Blaenau Gwent."

Earlier this month Amicus was criticised after apparently advising people how to "take a sickie" to watch the World Cup. Its website advised members, "It is quite difficult to prove that someone is not really sick if they have one day off".

Western Mail

Own goals mar Tory bid to win 'safe' by-election

DAVID CAMERON’S first chance to defend a Conservative seat in a by-election has been marred by own goals that call into question the effectiveness of the party’s campaigning.
Instead of using the Bromley and Chislehurst by-election to showcase his brand of “liberal conservatism”, the Tory leader has found himself shut out by a wealthy local party determined to show its independence.

The decision by Bob Neill, the Conservative candidate, to keep his seat in the London Assembly if he wins has proved a gift to his opponents, particularly the Liberal Democrats, who would otherwise struggle in such a Tory stronghold. Mr Neill, a part-time barrister and outgoing director of a health authority, has been nicknamed “Three Jobs Bob” in voluminous amounts of Lib Dem literature.

The local Conservative Association also allowed itself to be drawn into a spat with the UK Independence Party, which is contesting the by-election, and threatened the UKIP with an injunction over several giant billboard posters. No injunction followed but the row generated publicity for their rival.

Mr Cameron made an early campaign visit, yet barely features in by-election literature produced by the local party in southeast London. The previous MP, Eric Forth, who died last month of cancer, was a vigorously independent rightwinger and the local party seems intent on continuing the tradition.

One Tory newsletter revelled in the refusal to accept a candidate from Mr Cameron’s A-list of high-flyers. It carries a mock letter to the editor saying: “I was delighted to see the local Conservatives have picked Bob rather than someone from ‘central casting’.”

Another dense two-page letter to electors from Mr Neill, which again makes no mention of Mr Cameron, calls the by-election “a chance to send a message to Tony Blair that we are fed up with higher taxes”, despite the Tory leader’s decision to put economic stability before tax cuts.

A small by-election team of national Tory officials is helping with the campaign, but its messages are set locally.

Mr Neill told The Times that there was no deliberate attempt to ignore Mr Cameron. He said: “We have just played to what we think are our strong cards. The Conservative council got a thumping result a month ago. The sensible thing is to build on that momentum.”

But Lib Dems in Bromley, whose candidate is Ben Abbotts, a local councillor, privately declared themselves astonished at their opponent’s tactics. In previous by-elections Lib Dem leaflets have used unflattering pictures of past Tory leaders but there is none of Mr Cameron in Bromley, a testament to the appeal of his liberal conservative message.

The parties are also contending with the rival attraction of the World Cup. Canvassers are under strict instructions not to knock on doors during England matches, and the main parties’ literature is peppered with references to football.

The final days of campaigning have intensified after the UKIP, whose MEP Nigel Farage is standing, threatened to challenge the result if Mr Neill won, saying that his directorship of a health authority might make him ineligible to be a candidate.

A Tory spokesman dismissed the argument, saying: “By the time Bob would be looking to take his oath he would not be a member of this body.”

If elected, Mr Neill plans to serve out his remaining 22 months representing Bexley and Bromley in the London Assembly, where he is Tory group leader, which is within the rules. He told The Times he was following the precedent of Andrew Pelling, an MP elected last year who has remained an assembly member, and said he wished to avoid the £250,000 cost of another by-election.

The Times

Bevan's values 'bedrock of Valleys'

The seismic shock that came to New Labour when it lost one of its greatest heartlands to former party member Peter Law has been transformed into a battle for the left of politics.

Eager to prove that it has not abandoned its socialist heritage, personified by former MP Nye Bevan, Labour has worked hard to win back the seat. But Tony Heath is not convinced....

FIRST, a bit of history. Ever since May 30, 1929, Blaenau Gwent has been represented at Westminster by Members of Parliament who understood the concerns of hardworking proud people.

On that day, Aneurin Bevan was elected MP for Ebbw Vale, as Blaenau Gwent was then known. He died on July 6, 1960. Michael Foot picked up the torch, handing over to Llew Smith at the 1992 election.

After Llew stood down, the Labour Party, rebranded as New Labour, shoo'd-in a stranger as candidate for last year's election.

But Maggie Jones, a friend of the Blairs, was routed by Peter Law, a man of the Valleys with more than 30 years of community service behind him. He died on April 25 after a brave battle against a brain tumour.

On Thursday the future of this cradle of democracy and community values rests in the hands of Blaenau Gwent's 50,000-odd electors.

As well as being an MP, Peter was an elected member of the Welsh Assembly and both vacancies are up for grabs this week.

Ffity years ago, after exchanging khaki for a demob suit, I - born and brought up in Tredegar -worked as an unpaid volunteer for Nye. His London office was above a chemist's shop (now long gone) in Victoria Street. It bustled with enthusiasm and optimism. MPs like Fenner Brockway, Richard Acland, Sydney Silverman and Ian Mikado walked tall, spoke their mind and energetically championed the values of democratic socialism.

Those values remain the bedrock of South Wales Valleys communities.

Smartly-suited evangelists of New Labour have for some weeks been wandering the streets of the constituency. They seem to have been persuaded to spend less time with their families in order to take part in a quest for votes.

One hander-out of balloons in Ebbw Vale claimed to have travelled from Portsmouth to help out. Whether he was an elector in the constituency of Portsmouth South where Labour trailed in third place last year, or Portsmouth North, where Labour's majority was a slender 1,139 may not matter that much - but it does illustrate the party's desperation to avenge Peter Law's victory.

Telephone canvassing is now retitled in Lab-speak as "voter identification".

It is a technique that bothers voters to the point of harassment, leaving one wondering if the perpetrators are in line for an anti-social behaviour order.

Having to take multiple calls is as aggravating as having the doorbell rung and rung just when supper is on the table or when the TV is warming up.

Talking of the small screen, New Labour last week called up a really hard man to put the boot in. No. Not John Reid, the latest in a long line of Home Secretaries who has pronounced his department not fit for purpose - in plain language, a bit of a shambles.

Step forward Ross Kemp who plays Grant Mitchell in EastEnders. He's the husband of Sun newspaper editor Rebekah Wade and the couple are friends of the Prime Minister and his wife. Mr Kemp has obliged with an article praising the Government's stand on anti-social behaviour in a magazine called Blaenau Gwent First, being shoved through letter boxes in the constituency.

The magazine also prints a contribution from Liz Dawn who plays the outspoken Vera Duckworth in Coronation Street. She lets rip, "Y'see the Labour Party works together. By 'eck it might not always get it right but at least you know they're trying". And failing perhaps? The magazine also includes a Sudoku puzzle, presumably as an antidote to the publicity it gives the soaps.

Why is the avalanche of New Labour printing (never in the field of electioneering have so many leaflets been showered on so many by so few) contracted to firms outside the constituency? Banging on about boosting the local economy looks suspect when a quick count identifies at least four printers closer to home.

New Labour's geography is suspect. It is claimed that their candidate Owen Smith was born in South Wales. In fact he was born in Morecambe, some 200 miles north. Mr Smith, a senior lobbyist with the drugs giant Pfizer, progressed to Westcott, a leafy Surrey village 100 miles south of the constituency.

Dai Davies, standing for Parliament in the footsteps of Peter Law, was born in Ebbw Vale and has lived there all his life. He was a union official at the town's former steelworks, now just a vacant site in the valley floor. In 1988 down the road Marine Colliery suffered a similar fate, when coal worth £250m was abandoned and 758 jobs were lost.

Peter Law's widow Trish is contesting the Assembly seat. Her courage and that of her three daughters and two sons is awesome. An opinion poll put her sightly ahead of Labour. The word among shoppers in Ebbw Vale's busy Bethcar Street Friday market seemed to agree with that finding.

One of the joys of covering this unique dual by-election is the closeness of the parties' offices in Ebbw Vale. In less than a quarter- of-a-mile the Independents, New Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Plaid Cymru have put their wares on show. There's also an Official Monster Raving Looney candidate in the offing.

The choice on Thursday is straightforward. On the one hand the Independents, rooted in the community and close to the community. On the other hand New Labour representatives of a party which is flaking away at the edges nationally and from which a significant number of local members - including the present and recently retired mayors - have resigned or been expelled.

When I was a pupil at Tredegar County School I took the bus every Saturday to Ebbw Vale where a friendly Italian cafe owner taught me the guitar. One day all those years ago I arrived to find the place boarded up. Italy had declared war and my tutor had been interned.

Because I now live in a next-door constituency I haven't got a vote on Thursday. A comment increasingly heard maintains that had Nye Bevan been alive today he would never sign up to the New Labour programme. A growing number seem set to do likewise on Thursday.

Tony Heath is Wales correspondent for Tribune. He was formerly Wales correspondent for The Observer.

Western Mail

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The only public meeting of the campaign


26th June The only public meeting of the campaign so far took place this evening, with a high attendance from the people of Bromley who came to listen to vast reams of down-to-earth common sense being spouted by the Very Simon Heffer of the Daily Telegraph and the Extremely Nigel Farage of the UKIP.

This was an example of fraternal co-operation between those who believe in democracy and sovereignty, as I received a positive and warm welcome from those present.

The openness of those of us who are pro-European (and therefore against the EU) was in contrast with the restrictive and narrow attitudes of the Lib-Lab-Con-trick parties, which are paralysed by the sclerotic tyranny of the law-making process in the EU which, in their blinkered ignorance and self-delusion, they cannot even influence let alone control.

Bromley OMRLP


LOCAL Senior Labour constituency officers have conceded that their candidate cannot win here in Thursday's crucial by-election.

On BBC Radio 4s Today Programme this morning it was reported that "For Labour reality has set in. Senior members of the constituency party told me that they won't win this by-election."

Labour's campaign in the by-election has been almost non-existent compared to that of the two main parties locally. Neither Tony Blair nor John Prescott has made any visits to Bromley & Chislehurst.

In sharp contrast Liberal Democrat Leader Sir Menzies Campbell MP has made two visits so far, with a third planned for tomorrow followed by a visit by Charles Kennedy MP on Wednesday morning.

Liberal Democrat Election Agent, Shaun Roberts said: "Everyone knows that Labour could never win here. Most Labour supporters seem set to back local Lib Dem Ben Abbotts to beat the Conservative here on Thursday."

Ben 4 Bromley

Blaenau Gwent First - Labour campaign

Here are two items from the "Blaenau Gwent first" leaflet sent out by the Labour party by-election team in Blaenau.

These have had lots of press coverage in the last week and the style of the leaflet was the subject of a report in last weeks Welsh Politics show "Dragon's Eye".

By-Elections Blog in Blaenau

Discord on nuclear weapon spending

FOUR of the five candidates in Thursday's Blaenau Gwent parliamentary by-election would vote against spending £25bn on a new generation of Trident nuclear weapons.

Last week Gordon Brown signalled his support for such a programme.

But Labour candidate Owen Smith, the favourite to replace the late Independent MP and AM Peter Law said, "If there were a vote in the House of Commons tomorrow to replace Trident, I would vote against it.

"But I would not support unilateral disarmament and accept that Britain must be able to effectively defend itself.

"Trident was developed for the Cold War and today's terrorist threats are most effectively met by the powerful, conventional force that has to be at the heart of a strong British defence policy.

"When Trident becomes obsolete - in 20 years' time - we will have to consider the nature of the threat we then face - and what will be required to deal with it."

Independent candidate Dai Davies, Mr Law's former agent, said, "It is unbelievable that a Government which has spent months criticising Iran's attempt to acquire nuclear technology should back spending this huge amount on nuclear weapons.

"The people of this area want investment in health, education, job creation and the transport infrastructure."

Welsh Liberal Democrat candidate Amy Kitcher said, "Go nuclear - that's the Brown and Blair tactic when they want to deflect attention away from bad news for Labour. As with Blair's rush to commission more nuclear power stations, Gordon Brown's posturing on Trident is an attempt to smother debate on an important issue.

"There should be real debate and parliamentary scrutiny of any scheme that costs £25bn of public money. The Chancellor is attempting to pre-empt that debate, £25bn is roughly double the annual budget of the National Assembly. That's how much money is at stake. Were I in Parliament I would bear in mind that £25bn could pay for as many as 1,500 new secondary schools or 250 new hospitals."

Plaid Cymru's Steffan Lewis is wholly against a new generation of nuclear weapons.

But Tory candidate Margrit Williams said, "I support a strong nuclear deterrent. The security of our country is paramount."

Western Mail

Tory accused of breaking by-election law

The by-election campaign for a safe Conservative seat was thrown into confusion last night after claims that the Tories' candidate was ineligible to stand.

Bob Neill, the Tory hopeful for Bromley and Chislehurst, confirmed that he was a £5,000-a-year member of the north-east London strategic health authority. Under the House of Commons' Disqualification Act 1975, membership of a such an authority is one of dozens of posts that MPs are not allowed to hold.

But Mr Neill said the disqualification provisions were not relevant because the health authority was due to be abolished on Friday, a day after the by-election.
Tory candidate accused of breaking by-election law
By Brendan Carlin, Political Correspondent
(Filed: 26/06/2006)

The by-election campaign for a safe Conservative seat was thrown into confusion last night after claims that the Tories' candidate was ineligible to stand.

Bob Neill, the Tory hopeful for Bromley and Chislehurst, confirmed that he was a £5,000-a-year member of the north-east London strategic health authority. Under the House of Commons' Disqualification Act 1975, membership of a such an authority is one of dozens of posts that MPs are not allowed to hold.

But Mr Neill said the disqualification provisions were not relevant because the health authority was due to be abolished on Friday, a day after the by-election.

"I took legal advice when I signed the form," said Mr Neill, a barrister.

However, the UK Independence Party and the Liberal Democrats accused Mr Neill of bad faith at the least and of breaching electoral law at the worst.

Nigel Farage, the Ukip candidate, accused him of "inexcusable arrogance" and said he could not be excused on a legal technicality.

"We will certainly consider launching an election petition to have the result on Thursday overturned were Mr Neill to win," he said.

The Liberal Democrats have said that Mr Neill is unfit to represent the seat. They have dubbed him "three jobs Bob" because of his health authority role, his job as a part-time barrister and his decision to retain his position in the London Assembly.

Lord Rennard, the Liberal Democrats' chief executive, said: "Should he have signed the election form saying that he would not be disqualified from taking his seat when, technically at that time, he was?"

A spokesman for the Electoral Commission said that only the death of a monarch could halt a by-election once it had been called. It was open to aggrieved parties to petition to overturn the result.

Daily Telegraph

Monday, June 26, 2006

it's "not me guv" from Labour

Simon Hughes, visiting Blaenau Gwent today, has branded Tony Blair's law and order speech as a "not me guv" approach to criminal justice.

Simon, President of the Liberal Democrats, said:

"It's no good Labour blaming anybody else but themselves for the breakdown of confidence in the law and order system.

"Of course there is too much crime and anti-social behaviour but often against the background of some encouraging falling crime figures, Labour's over- reaction suggests that crime is worse than it is and only increases the fear of crime.

"The people of Blaenau Gwent and Wales do not feel that things are getting better it's because the Labour legacy of 10 years in Westminster, 7 years in the Assembly and 80 years in Blaenau Gwent has been one of great failure, much disappointment and frequent under-performance.

"The people of Wales want law and order and justice, through policies that are effective in dealing with crime not ones that just sound good and aim to catch the headlines.

"The reported falling out of the Labour candidates in Blaenau Gwent with Gwent Police is just typical of Labour, from the Prime Minister down saying 'not me guv' and looking for other people to blame.

" Blaenau Lib Dems

Sunday, June 25, 2006

John Hemming-Clark's campaign message

All electors in the Constituency have now received John Hemming-Clark's campaign leaflet through their letter box.

In the meantime: The only other seat so far that the Conservatives have had to defend in a by-election in the 21st Century was in Romsey – and they lost it!

At the last three general elections the Liberal Democrats and Labour fielded a different candidate each time which is hardly a ringing endorsement of their commitment to Bromley and Chislehurst.

As an Independent I stood in Eric Forth’s home village, Chislehurst, in May’s local council election and came second only to the Conservatives, beating three Liberal Democrats, three Labour and a Green from a standing start and with no previous political involvement.

I have a passion for Bromley and Chislehurst and with your vote I can win this seat.

If you never vote Independent again - do it just this once!
John Hemming-Clark

Ducks voting Loony


24th June:
Another successful day of leafleting in Bromley resulted in hundreds of leaflets being received by eager and ecstatic voters, and yielded several pledges of support, including one from a three-week-old baby and one from a mother duck and her eight little chicks who had got wandered out of the park.

There was also active campaigning from the Liberal Democrats, the English Democrats and the Green Party, but still no sign of the Conservative and Labour Parties.

Bromley OMRLP

Actions speak louder than words

Actions speak louder than words - Tory candidate not confident of being elected!
The following report appeared on the Recess Monkey blog and, if true, is not only a serious blow to Cameron's Conservatives, but suggests that their candidate in the Bromley by-election is not really confident of winning! Has the Returning Officer been made aware of these allegations?

Civil Servants are another category precluded from standing for Parliament, and must resign BEFORE becoming a candidate - win or lose! This is a case of 'having one's cake and eating it'!

"Tory HQ are in disarray this weekend as it emerges that Bromley By-Election candidate Bob Neill is invalid to take a seat in Parliament and has made a false declaration on his nomination form.

Bob Neill’s ban from parliament stems from his membership of the North East London Strategic Health Authority, a position that explicitly prevents him standing for Parliament under the House of Commons Disqualification Act of 1975.

While Bob could bully his way though the ban by resigning after polling day if he is elected, this is a blatant disregard for the law that could permanently damage his credibility as a legislator. More seriously, in order to stand in the Bromley & Chiselhurst by-election, Neill signed a declaration on his nomination form stating that he was not in breach of the House of Commons Disqualification Act of 1975 “at the time of nomination”.

A spokesman for Bob Neill refused to comment on the emerging crisis."

English Democrats

UKIP call for final push

If you have an hour or two free, please get yourself down to Bromley and join our canvassing team. The by-election is hotting up and UKIP canvassers are getting a very good response on the doorsteps. We estimate that we are currently running at about 18-20 per cent of the vote and we need as many people as possible for the final push, to turn the doorstep possibles into definites.

With the Evening Standard predicting humiliation for the Government, with its candidate looking like finishing in fourth place, we have everything to gain if we can press home the advantage we have over the Conservative Party's lame duck europhile candidate.

The town is covered in UKIP posters and in the few places where there are no posters, you are likely to see mobile adverts on UKIP poster vans. You will feel right at home!

Come and join us to create the political sensation that could rock the political establishment to its core.

We look forward to seeing you on the campaign trail.

Best wishes

Bromley & Chislehurst Campaign Team



Secretary of State for Health, Patricia Hewitt, agreed on Tuesday during Health Questions to look into the issue of cleanliness inspections at Queen Mary's Sidcup. The Minister was responding to a question in Parliament from Liberal Democrat Shadow Health Secretary Professor Steve Webb MP.

Prof. Webb MP said: "Ben Abbotts contacted me after receiving reports that Queen Mary's are refusing to allow inspectors from the Patients' Forum to continue to use torches to examine confined spaces for dirt. Hospital cleanliness is a crucial issue in preventing infection in hospitals, particularly given the MRSA epidemic."

Ben Abbotts added: "Queen Mary's was in the headlines last year as Britain's worst hospital for MRSA. It is crucial for both hygiene, and for public confidence, that the Patients' Forum are allowed to continue in full their independent inspections.

"This week I also visited Chislehurst Health Practice and met local GP's to discuss health issues and local health matters."

Ben 4 Bromley

Relationship between council and police 'in state of collapse'

THE working relationship between police and council in Blaenau Gwent is in a "state of collapse" it was claimed last night, just days before the area's crucial by-elections.

The by-election campaign has taken an astonishing turn, with the police accusing the council, led by Labour candidate John Hopkins, of ducking its legal duty to tackle crime and disorder.

The revelation emerged in copies of a recent exchange of letters between Mr Hopkins, who hopes to win a place in the National Assembly next Thursday, and Inspector Iain Thomas of Gwent Police, who is stationed at Brynmawr.

Insp Thomas wrote to Mr Hopkins on June 15 after an article in the weekly Abergavenny Chronicle in which the council leader was quoted suggesting not enough was being done by the police to tackle local yobs.

Mr Hopkins called for a motorbike police unit to be established locally to chase anti-social youths. As we reported yesterday, the police say such a unit should be paid for by the council, although it has no plans to do so.

In his letter to Mr Hopkins, Insp Thomas stated, "The article was grossly misleading and painted a wholly inaccurate picture of Brynmawr.

"The biggest concern in Brynmawr is the fear of crime and this article could play a significant part in exacerbating this problem.

"The article makes no mention of the lack of partnership working within Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council and the police, nor the concerns that I raised with you in January 2006. I am disappointed that action has yet to be taken to address these issues.

"I reiterate my belief that partnership working between the police and Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council is in a state of collapse and that you are failing to implement Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act in an effective manner."

Insp Thomas went on to request an urgent meeting with all the local councillors for Brynmawr, Nantyglo and Blaina to discuss his concerns.

In his reply, dated Tuesday of this week, Mr Hopkins said, "I am not a reader of the Chronicle nor a contributor and I have not spoken to any journalist on any matter for many weeks, so I need to be made aware of the press item."

Mr Hopkins said he would arrange for a meeting along the lines suggested by Insp Thomas to be convened.

Under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, local authorities have a duty "to do all that it reasonably can to prevent crime and disorder in its area".

Yesterday Insp Thomas said he was not prepared to comment on a private letter. And last night Mr Hopkins issued a statement saying, "In this campaign the Labour team has spoken to thousands of people and it is clear that they are extremely worried about under-age drinking, vandalism and intimidation. We are on the side of the honest, law-abiding people in our area, not the yobs.

"It's the easiest thing in the world for our opponents to carp and be critical. It's much harder to try to get things done for people. But I know which side I'm on. And I'm not going to apologise for that.

"The people of our area are deeply worried about crime. Yes, fear of crime is a problem but Insp Thomas is wrong if he thinks actual crime is not an issue. I regret the negative tone of his letter, which is in stark contrast to the constructive talks we have held with other police officers in Blaenau Gwent during this campaign."

Western Mail

Saturday, June 24, 2006

struggling to find a positive message

DESPITE fighting what could be one of the Conservative's safest seats, Bob Neill's election campaign has run into a mire of 'negative campaigning', allegations of carpet-bagging and threatened legal action.

The Tory talks to the Bromley Times about his admiration for Michael Howard, and why he hopes to be moving house come Election Day.

THE old adage that 'even if they pinned a blue rosette on a chimp, it would win' could have been coined with Bromley and Chislehurst in mind, held as it was last year with a Conservative majority of more than 13,200.

But however safe the seat, Bob Neill can take nothing for granted. His high-visibility selection above David Cameron's diverse 'A-list candidates' brought derision from opponents, who claimed the party's selection of a middle-aged, white, Masonic barrister over highly regarded ethnic and female alternatives showed the party was incapable of change.

Equally, the right have characterised him as a Europhile supporter of Kenneth Clarke who regularly sits on an EU committee, and who is certainly not the man to fill the shoes of the avowedly Eurosceptic Eric Forth, who like UKIP candidate Nigel Farage was a signatory of the Better Off Out campaign calling for Britain's withdrawal from the EU.

An ill-tempered spat between the two parties came to a head on Monday with Mr Neill's team threatening legal action for libel over claims that he supports the European Union, high taxes and unlimited immigration. UKIP responded with their own strongly-worded retort on Tuesday.

And among the public, 87 per cent of respondents to a Bromley Times internet poll said they did not want Mr Neill to be the borough's MP.

Nevertheless says the candidate, taking a break from "campaigning very hard" to enjoy a coffee at the Queen's Head pub in Chislehurst, the response on the doorstep has been "generally, very positive".

This, he says, is in contrast to the "negative campaigning" of his opponents, who have sought political capital from his address, he lives in Tower Hamlets, and his plethora of other jobs, he is a Greater London Authority Member for Bromley and Bexley, a barrister, and member of a regional health authority.

"There has been a disappointing, negative aspect of the other parties campaigning," he says, before offering a quick jab of his own, "it says something that the other parties are struggling to find a positive message.

"I happen to live about 20 minutes away but once the election is out of the way I will move to live here full time. I have never made a secret of that. I am happy to stand on my track record in Bromley as a GLA member."

When asked if he would prefer to miss Prime Minister's Question Time or the London Mayor's Question Time, both held on Wednesdays, the politician replied: "We work on each occasion when we have tabled a question, I don't think it is a massive problem, and Ken Livingstone managed it for a year when he was an MP and mayor."

Mr Neill has pledged to stand down from his GLA seat in 2008, and says his health authority job ends on July 1.

"What it means is that I am going to have to work much harder for 20 months but that is a burden I am prepared to take on board."

However, his membership of the Metropolitan Police Authority also caused controversy after he and three Conservative MPA members were referred to an ethics watchdog in February for "allegedly unlawfully discriminating" against a black colleague. Mr Neill says the allegations, which also include an "alleged failure to treat others with respect", and "allegedly disclosing confidential information" are "totally baseless and absolute nonsense".

On the European issue the former Ken Clarke supporter says he now describes himself as "Euro-disillusioned", in favour of free trade but against a single currency, the constitution and any "federalist agenda".

So what kind of MP would Mr Neill be? Aside from providing a "voice for the suburbs" and fighting the "overdevelopment of the borough", a clue is in his praise for Michael Howard's tenure as Home Secretary in the 1980s: prison works.

"What we saw very clearly from Michael Howard's time as Home Secretary, when he undertook a large building program of prisons, was that crime fell, without resorting to fiddling with figures.

"Identity cards will cost the country £1.5 billion, this money could build 18 prisons and allow judges to send some people to prison because there is room.

"Labour has let the borough down. They famously said they would be tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime, but that is still the biggest local issue for people and we are still no further forward in sorting out the real issues."

So is it possible to win an election when almost all of your policies are 'under review' in head office?

"It is a fact we are in the process of developing policies," he says, "for example on prisons, but the crucial thing is that when we develop those policies, the views of suburban London are taken into account. It is a real challenge and one I am looking forward to.


Porn film claim mars by-election

TENSION is mounting in the final days before by-election polling day as candidates endure 'scurrilous rumours' and rows.

This week the Bromley Times can reveal:

* false allegations that independent John Hemming-Clark was in an adult film

* Threats by the Conservatives to sue UKIP members over the content of a billboard

Political big-guns including William Hague, David Davis and Charles Kennedy have visited the borough this week as campaigning gets ever more fierce.

As the battle stepped up the Bromley Times received claims Mr Hemming-Clark was in an adult movie called 'The Pieman,' which he dismisses as 'nonsense.'

And the candidate, dubbed the 'Son of Eric (Forth),' says he had hoped for a more fierce election fight.

He said: "It's an act of desperation if someone's going to start scurrilous rumours off. I can live with it.

"I haven't been openly attacked by the other political parties.

"It's unfortunate the gloves haven't come off. They've all been remarkably complacent."

Meanwhile Bob Neill has faced questions over a probe into his conduct at the Metropolitan Police Authority.

Allegations have been made about the treatment of a black colleague by the whole Conservative group, including Mr Neill.

He is accused of failing to treat others with respect, allegedly unlawfully discriminating against others and allegedly disclosing confidential information.

But the Tory hopeful has blasted the claims as 'absolute nonsense.'

A battle has also broken out between UKIP and the Tories over a billboard making a series of claims about Mr Neill.

Denying allegations he supports 'unlimited immigration' he said: " Like David Cameron and David Davis, I back a fair but controlled system of immigration.

"It is Conservatives in Parliament that have repeatedly stood up to the Government's policy of unlimited immigration, so I'm afraid it is as if UKIP are trying to say black is white or night is day."

UKIP members hit back after Mr Neill faxed his objection to the campaign on paper headed with the House of Commons crest.

Spokesman Mark Croucher asked "Hasn't he got an election to win before he avails himself of the House of Commons facilities?"

But the Tories put this down to a technical error with their fax machine.


Menzies in SECOND visit to by-election town

WITH just one week of campaigning to go, candidates for the Bromley and Chislehurst by-election are pounding the streets and trying to convince residents to give them their vote. The Bromley Times catches up with the parties as the countdown to polling day begins.

LIBERAL DEMOCRAT candidate Ben Abbotts was again joined by party leader Sir Menzies Campbell on Monday as they outlined the findings of a Lib Dem crime survey to residents.

After revealing that two in three residents did not feel safe going out at night, and that nine in ten people feel they get a raw deal in terms of policing from Mayor Ken Livingstone, Mr Abbotts said: "Tackling crime and anti-social behaviour is my top priority. Tough action is needed on crime to make sure there are no no-go areas in Bromley.

"I want to see more police on our streets, increased use of CCTV and extra street wardens. Local people should not be frightened to leave their house.

"Local residents are stunned that local Conservatives who run Bromley council have failed to back Lib Dem proposals for an increase in mobile CCTV and street wardens.

"Local people rightly take pride in our area. As Bromley's full-time MP I will champion Bromley's need to get more police and get the tough action we need to clampdown on crime.

"I will be meeting Inspector Andy Johnstone tomorrow to discuss the results of the survey and crime initiatives in the area."

Sir Menzies visited the borough last Monday to answer questions with from Bromley College students.

Mr Abbotts, with Lib Dem Home Affairs spokesman Nick Clegg MP, also met firefighters over the weekend to discuss local concerns such as access to buildings, the pace of change at work and traffic calming issues.

Mr Clegg commented: "The number of burnt out cars here in Bromley is the second highest across London. This is a major problem for the Fire Brigade locally. Fighting crime and anti-social behaviour is Ben Abbotts' top priority."

Mr Abbotts said: "It was a great pleasure to meet the local fire-fighters, who play a vital role in the local community, not just fighting fires and attending road traffic accidents but also promoting fire safety awareness.

"The fire-fighters asked me to raise parking with the local council, especially where cars park both sides of the road, often making access for the fire engines extremely difficult.


Support for English MPs

ENGLISH DEMOCRAT candidate Steve Uncles claims he has received growing support for his calls for the establishment of an English parliament.

Mr Uncles has called for an end to regional governments, including the GLA, but want an English chamber to be formed so Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish MPs are no longer allowed to vote on issues that affect only English residents.

A YouGov opinion poll published last week shows one in four Londoners would support an English parliament, and that 42 per cent of respondents favour English MPs only, voting on English issues.

He said: "London is currently 'suffering' under the Regional Government, led by high spending Ken Livingstone, indeed only six per cent now support Regional Government as a way forward for devolution for England, and 68 per cent of Voters in London want something done about England's democratic deficit.

Mr Uncles has also proposed to hold a referendum to decide whether Kent County Council rather than the London Assembly should administer the Borough of Bromley.

"Many people living here regard Bromley as part of Kent, not London," he said, "and they also realise that it makes good financial sense. The London GLA element of the Council Tax for this year has gone up a staggering 13.35 per cent for Bromley compared with 4.75 cent for the Kent element".


Support for English MPs

ENGLISH DEMOCRAT candidate Steve Uncles claims he has received growing support for his calls for the establishment of an English parliament.

Mr Uncles has called for an end to regional governments, including the GLA, but want an English chamber to be formed so Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish MPs are no longer allowed to vote on issues that affect only English residents.

A YouGov opinion poll published last week shows one in four Londoners would support an English parliament, and that 42 per cent of respondents favour English MPs only, voting on English issues.

He said: "London is currently 'suffering' under the Regional Government, led by high spending Ken Livingstone, indeed only six per cent now support Regional Government as a way forward for devolution for England, and 68 per cent of Voters in London want something done about England's democratic deficit.

Mr Uncles has also proposed to hold a referendum to decide whether Kent County Council rather than the London Assembly should administer the Borough of Bromley.

"Many people living here regard Bromley as part of Kent, not London," he said, "and they also realise that it makes good financial sense. The London GLA element of the Council Tax for this year has gone up a staggering 13.35 per cent for Bromley compared with 4.75 cent for the Kent element".


Loony targets choc votes

BIGOTS should have custard squirted into their ears, according to a 'loony' by-election hopeful.

John Cartwright, who is running for the Official Monster Raving Loony Party, also says students, pensioners and the unemployed should be given free chocolate.

But the political veteran, who has run in 12 local elections and two general, also has serious aims to overhaul the country.

He said: "The main point is to strengthen democracy by not just withdrawing from the European Union but strengthening processes.

"People can have more input into the formulation of legislation. We need better scrutiny of government decisions rather than just voting once every four years."

Mr Cartwright wants to see proportional representation used in the UK - although in the last general election the existing system meant he was able to help oust an unpopular MP.

"It was probably my greatest achievement. I got 193 votes which isn't numerically large but was the difference between the top two candidates.

"The first past the post system is not something I agree with but it does have its own internal logic in that minority parties are supposed to put the main parties on the spot.

"This is exactly how they are supposed to do it. "

He is confident about the results of next week's poll.

"I'm going to win, obviously, because of my brilliant policies and personality and charisma. I'd be happy for Nigel Farrage to come second, and all the rest will be pushed into joint 11th position.

"It makes sense to vote loony."

Mr Cartwright also hopes to inject some light relief into the contest.

"It's making the point that politics doesn't have to ve dull and boring, it can be a bit of fun and colourful and lively while making a serious point along the line.

"We give the voters another party to vote for, without being stuck with the three main parties with their whips telling them how to vote. They all vote like flocks of sheep instead of thinking more carefully about the legislation."

Fellow 'loony' Lord Toby Jug, adds: "We're having our traditional victory party the night before the election. That's why we always lose, because our supporters are too drunk the next day.


Candidates clash over crime 'credit'

ELECTIONEERING continued with an uncomfortable stand-off between two candidates on the day former Tory leader William Hague strode into town.

Labour's Rachel Reeves and Tory Bob Neill came face to face outside Bromley police station last Thursday (15) both trying to woo voters in the by-election.

The focus for the hopefuls was law and order, and Ms Reeves was accompanied by Chair of the Metropolitan Police Authority Len Duvall for a discussion with police about knife crime.

She said: "The government has introduced tough legislation on anti-social behaviour and it is up to the police and local council to implement that.

"Things are getting better all the time."

In response to accusations that Labour provides police on the cheap - relying on support officers and volunteers - she claimed Safer Neighbourhoods police teams are 'really working.'

"They are really getting to know all the issues in an area. Dedicated teams for local areas - that's how we're really going to make a long term difference."

Mr Duvall backed her up, saying over the past six years an extra 5,000 police officers have been put on London's streets.

He added: "It's not doing it on the cheap it's increasing these services. We want to see Bromley council supporting the warden service. We're still not sure where their commitment is."

Meanwhile William Hague joined Neill on a trip to Burnt Ash Lane, where in the past traders have fallen prey to vandalism by gangs of yobs.

Photographer Tony Isbitt, who has run his shop there for nearly 21 years, said: "Over the years there have been problems with vandalism and stuff like that but since we've had the community police team it's really down to a minimum.

"There used to be gangs of 20 or 30 kids around here."

Although he says he is happy with the way things are in terms of law and order, he still intends to vote Conservative.

Mr Neill claims his party deserves the credit for the improvements there.

He said: "The key things have been implemented by the Conservative council so for Labour to take the credit would be a bit rich. Bromley have been pushing for more policing for years."

On a walk about in Bromley High Street Hague received a warm welcome, meeting voters and pledging he has no intention of running for the Tory leadership again.

Denying the Prime Minister's accusations the Conservatives 'talk tough' on crime but don't 'vote tough,' Neill claimed community police teams were originally a Tory idea.

Mr Hague added: "The Conservatives are trying to amend Labour laws to make them tougher on crime. Tony Blair is just trying to cover up the farce in the Home Office and rising levels of violent crime. People are very worried about it."

Mr Neill welcomed plans to introduce minimum sentences for anyone found in possession of a knife, and said the Human Rights Act should be amended as it currently impedes the police.

It is widely known Bromley and Chislehurst is a very safe Tory seat - so why has the party staged such a fierce campaign?

Neill says they 'don't take anything for granted,' while Hague adds: "For every politician it's an important opportunity for us to listen to people and learn what people are worried about.

"We take every opportunity to do that.


'I feel passionately about Bromley'

DESPITE disastrous election results this year, falling poll ratings and a year of bad headlines, Rachel Reeves believes her party can win the Bromley and Chislehurst by-election.

In the last of our political interviews leading up to next Thursday's vote, the Labour candidate tells the Bromley Times that her government is delivering - and that John Prescott should keep his job.

HOMETOWN girl Rachel Reeves has returned to Bromley to fight a second election in the space of two years, and although the faces may be the same she is confident the result will not.

"Last time we knocked on doors in every ward of the constituency and spoke to more than 10,000 people. My plan would be to go back to all those people and more. If I do that I have got a fighting chance."

However, Labour suffered a caning in last month's local election, with long serving group leader councilor John Holbrook the highest profile casualty to lose his seat.

He blamed "friendly fire" from his own government for the poor results, the vote coming a week after the 'triple whammy' of John Prescott's affair, Home Office 'blunders' regarding the deportation of foreign prisoners and a 'crisis' in the NHS.

"The results were poor, that is fair to say," replies Ms Reeves, "but local elections and general elections are different, you are electing a member of parliament and people have different reasons for voting."

Regarding the affair, which was said to have alienated many women in the party, the Labour candidate was full of support for the embattled DPM, saying: "John Prescott would be the first person to admit he has made a big mistake but I think he is doing a good job and should be allowed to get on with it.

"What I want to do is run a local campaign, and show that Labour has got a positive vision for Bromley over the next five or 10 years. My campaign will be about the difference a Labour government has made for local people.

"Being from Bromley and being brought up in Bromley I feel passionately about the local area and my experience at the last election has given me that chance."

Apart from investment in public services and support for ID cards and the war in Iraq, a main issue is crime. The building of Bromley police station and the rolling out of Safer Neighbourhood Teams to every ward in the borough is proof, she says, that Labour has delivered. Nevertheless, crime has continued to rise.

Earlier this month she launched a petition to cut knife crime with MPA chair Len Duvall, and on Monday launched 'Save-to-be-Safe' with MP Hazel Blears, urging residents to store the phone numbers of their own area's Safer Neighbourhoods Police Team into their mobile and landline phones.

"During this campaign in my local area the main thing that is being fed back to me is that residents really appreciate the increased police presence. There are over 5,000 more police in Greater London over the past few years under Labour."

The former Cator Park school pupil added: "I promise to represent people to the powers-that-be, not the other way around. Being from Bromley means that I care about what happens locally and that the people of Bromley and Chislehurst are my priority. Only the best services will do for local people including myself.